Securing up your data in the Cloud
Imagine the frustration of losing all your valuable business data. An occurrence such as this could put you out of business. How can this happen? Well, there could be a natural disaster like a fire, flood, or a computer hardware failure. But more likely today, a MALWARE ATTACK, or the dreaded RANSOMWARE.
So how do you protect your businesses valuable data. BACKUP YOUR VALUABLE DATA!
There are various methods of backing up your data, but the safest, and most convenient is a Cloud backup option, perhaps together with a local copy option. There are various flavors among Cloud Backup offerings to suite the size of business, the type data being secured, and where that data is being hosted (locally on workstations, servers, or in the Cloud). There are also some common misconceptions when data is being hosted in the Cloud, that the data is safe and always backed up. This is NOT NECESSARILY true. It is your data make sure it is safe and backed up. Also make sure you are comfortable with whomever you trust your valuable data to. Even large companies running consumer grade solutions have lost customers data–files–ouch-.html.
So, what do you do?
- Choose a reputable provider who will ensure your data is secure; Altrim Systems has been securing data for clients since 1991.
- Keep a local copy of the backup, if in any doubt.
- Ensure your backed-up data is kept on servers in a country of your choice. This is especially important when considering the different privacy and security legislation in some countries.
- Decide what type of backup you need
- o Can you afford downtime to recover data from backup, and If so how much? Do your systems always have to always be up and operational? This will determine if you require File and Folder Backup, Automatic Endpoint Backup (AEB), or some other Image type backup.
- o Are you backing up servers, workstations, or virtual computers (VMs)?
- o What retention policy is required for your data, and for different types of data (do you need to be able to recover data 3 months old, 24 months old etc.)? Is there a legal requirement in your industry to archive data for a certain amount of time?
- o Do you require a higher level of encryption for your data?
If you need help with any data security issue, please contact us at Altrim Systems. Also, please take a look at our Cloud Services on our Website