Your Information Systems Security and Peace of Mind provider since 1991
About Us
Established in 1991, and located in the city of Vaughan, Ontario, CANADA, a part of the Greater Toronto Area {GTA}, Altrim Systems is a firm of Information Technology (IT) professionals dedicated to the evaluation, installation and support of corporate office automation systems. We provide dependable installation and support to clients in the areas of computerized accounting, data communications, Internet access, email and inter-office connectivity, mobile communications, and remote access. We also ensure that your valuable data is secure and available, and offer various Cloud Based Solutions, such as Cloud Hosted Servers, Cloud Backup, Hosted Exchange Email and Office 365 subscriptions.
Irving Ginzburg CA·IT, CPA, B.Acc
Irving is a Chartered Accountant (Information Technology Specialist), with over 30 years of experience in providing consulting and support services to clients. He has over the years set up many networks, internet systems, remote communications, and security firewalls, as well as computerized accounting systems, and cloud based sytems. He established Altrim Systems in 1991.
Phillip Tankel
Phillip has over 20 years of experience in both accounting and computerized systems. He has, over the years set up many networks, installed and trained on many different accounting systems, importing and exporting data between them; as well as finding many innovative ways to customize different accounting “packages”.
Syed Hamid (MCSA, A+, NETWORK+) – Technical Support Manager
Syed is a graduate of CDI College of Business and Technology, and has been an integral part of the client support team at Altrim Systems since 2001. He has extensive knowledge in Networking and System Administration, System Security, Virtualized and Hosted Servers, and Infrastructure Planning.
Patrick Charlesworth – Technical Support Specialist
Patrick joined the Altrim team in 2003, bringing an extensive skill set in system configuration and networking to the company.
Rosalind Ginzburg – Office Manager
Rosalind has been with Altrim Systems since its inception in 1991. Her expertise in keeping the office in order, collecting receivables and paying accounts is invaluable.
contact us about your IT requirements
phone: 905-763-2912